Potion Puzzle

Hint one

All parts of the puzzle may not be contained on one the Potion Ingredients page

Hint two

What is different between all of the potions contained within the game?

Hint three

Are you able to breakdown the potion into it’s individual components?

Rune Stone Puzzle

Hint one

Did you notice that there was more than one rune stone?

Hint two

Take a closer look at the smaller rune stones, could they be used to help you make sense of the runes?

Hint three

If A = and M = what could fall in between? Do you notice a pattern?

Shield’s Puzzle

Hint one

For this puzzle you will need the seating and travel arrangements sheets.

Hint two

Do you notice the time it takes to travel for each knight?

Hint three

Once you have placed the knights in the correct order, the central words may help.

Hint four

If you take the first letter from every other knight, what are you left with?

Scroll Puzzle

Hint one

Can you notice anything a miss on the 10 commandments?

Hint two

What if you pull out the letters underlined?

Hint three

Remember who signed the letter.


Final answer: 9346